5 Ways to Brighten Someone’s Day

May 6, 2015 11:00 am Published by

Do you ever wish you could do something meaningful? That you could make the world a better place?

Well, you can!

One of the easiest ways to make a difference in the world is by taking a small action to help other people feel appreciated, accepted and valued.

Here are five ways you can make the world a better place by brightening someone’s world today:

#1 Visit Someone. So much of our communication is digital these days. It can make someone’s day to have a real, live, caring person show up just to say hello (without asking for something, like everyone else does).

#2 Eat Lunch with Someone. Unfortunately, many people feel alone but don’t want to risk the vulnerability required to admit it. You could make someone’s day by keeping them company in a very natural and necessary way. (After all, everyone has to eat!) The philosopher Epicurus believed that no meal should ever be eaten alone. Try eating your meals with someone else for a day or a week and see how it changes you…and the people you dine with!

#3 Share an Inspiring Story. Too often we keep our faith and faith related experience to ourselves. But so many people truly need to hear stories about how God has touched your life and blessed you. Reach out to someone you can share with and let them know what good gifts God has given to you in the last month.

#4 Bring Treats. I recently needed money to give to someone in my class at the local college. I wasn’t near an ATM, so I bought a bag of candy (Twixt bars and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups). Knowing better than to eat them all myself, I took the bag to class and had everyone pass it around. I tell you…candy goes far with a room full of 20 year old’s. The way they thanked me and said, “I SO love you” would make you think I’d given them water in the middle of the desert. Share treats. People LOVE it!

#5 Help Someone. When I took the Motivation By Appreciation Inventory, it revealed that the primary way I feel appreciated at work is by having others help me with projects I am working on. People like me would love it if you would walk up and simply say, “What can I help you with today?” Give it a try and see what happens.

There’s always someone who needs their day to feel just a little bit brighter. Whether it’s someone on your block, on the job, in a class, in your social network or online group, or even at a networking meeting, use the tips above to brighten their day. You’ll be glad you did…and so will they!


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May 6, 2015 11:00 am

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