Do You Need Evidence-based Resources to Improve Your Culture?
Many organizations only want to use resources or processes that have been demonstrated to be effective as supported by research. In fact, “evidence-based resources” has become a catch phrase in many circles. And understandably so – leaders and administrators don’t want to invest time, money and energy implementing a course of action to improve their workplace culture based on slick advertising or unfounded claims. That is why we at Appreciation at Work have been committed to verifying the practical utility and success achieved by using our resources through ongoing research.
Let me summarize the foundation we have built over the past decade:
- To date, we have had 18 research studies published in academic journals; some involving over 400,000 participants and in multiple countries. (For a summary of our research, click here.)
- Our research has been cited in over 50 academic research publications by other researchers.
- Researchers from more than 30 countries have cited our research as foundational to their own research (which demonstrates the cross-cultural nature of our work).
- Our work has been referenced in articles in the NY Times, BBC news, Huffington Post, Forbes, U.S. News & World Report and other national news organizations.
To affirm the practical usefulness of our resources in daily work settings, we have had articles published in a wide variety of industry-based magazines and journals, including ones related to the following industries:

The point is: we absolutely do know how to train team members and leaders how to show authentic appreciation to one another in the ways that are meaningful to the recipient.
We have the evidence, track record, and testimonials to back up that claim. We have learned the best ways to obtain positive, lasting results to improve your workplace culture through authentic appreciation and would be glad to share with you how to make this happen in your organization. Contact us to determine which of our resources will work best for your situation. Email us at or call 316-681-4431.
Tags: appreciation research, researchCategories 5 Languages of Appreciation, Appreciation, Managing By Appreciation, Vibrant Workplace, Workplace Culture