[Survey] What Employees LOVE about the Holidays
December 18, 2017 1:42 pm
THE RESULTS ARE IN!! Over 1,325 of you responded to our poll on “What I LOVE about the Holidays” (with 777 submitting stories of a favorite positive holiday experience at work). Thank you for your input. As you will see, the results provide interesting feedback, and the stories are both fun and heart-warming.
Poll Results
On each of the first two questions, you were given a list of 20 items to choose from (more than one could be chosen.) Here are the results:
Q1. What aspects of the holiday season do you ENJOY the most?
1. Time off from work 69.1%
2. Christmas lights 68.8%
3. Listening to Christmas & holiday music 64..8%
4. Extra time with family & friends 64.0%
5. The spiritual meaning of the holidays 63.2%
6. Family holiday traditions 58.7%
7. The excitement of the holiday season 57.4%
8. Christmas decorations 55.2%
Q2. What do you enjoy that happens (or has happened) at your workplace during the holidays? (That you have personally experienced.)
1. Time off from work 78.1%
2. Sharing a holiday meal with co-workers 42.3%
3. Enjoying Christmas cookies & holiday snacks 39.7%
4. Receiving a bonus 34.0%
5. Special holiday party (not during work hours) 33.3%
6. Holiday gift exchange among co-workers 30.5%
7. Listening to holiday-themed music at work 28.4%
Some Observations
Clearly, people value time off from work during the holidays (and on our poll of what people hate about the holidays, many people report resentment for having to work on the holiday).
Interestingly, Christmas lights came in as a strong #2 of what people enjoy.
Some results, when compared to the “What I Hate About the Holidays” poll, show that there are some activities that many people really enjoy, while others really dislike those activities. Examples include:
*gift exchanges among colleagues
*holiday meals together
*listening to Christmas and holiday music at work
*attending work-related holiday celebrations after work.
The conclusion from these seemingly conflicting results? Reading the stories people shared shed some light on the issue. First, people are different (surprise!). Some like certain activities, while others dislike them. Secondly, and possibly more importantly, how the activity was done seems to have a big impact on people’s responses. Was generosity involved (or did employees have to pay or do the work themselves)? Were the interactions respectful or rude and hurtful?
As I have stated previously to leaders and HR professionals, you can’t please everyone, so be ready for some negative responses, criticisms, and suggestions for what to do differently next year. These types of comments will almost certainly happen, so be ready, and don’t let them discourage you.
Just as people differ, so do groups. If at all possible, get input from the group (or representatives) ahead of time. Listen to what they don’t want to do, and avoid those activities. And try to incorporate at least some of what they suggest into the plan for next year’s celebrations.
Finally, adopt a positive attitude. Smile, laugh, enjoy the food and your friends. Determine to have a good time regardless of other people’s reactions. Chances are good that you will !!
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukka!
May your holidays be filled with joy.
Dr. Paul
Categories Appreciation, Authenticity, Gifts, Holidays

December 18, 2017 1:42 pm