Gratitude Leads to Generosity
We have just come through a season of reflecting on all of the wonderful, positive aspects of our lives — family, friends, health, food, shelter, safety, the ability to earn a living, and the opportunities we have to do something meaningful with our lives. So, what is next?
I believe gratitude, true gratefulness and thanksgiving naturally lead to the desire to share the good in our lives with others. When we understand how much of the blessings we experience have little to do with what we have done — when and where we were born, the people who have shaped our lives, and the opportunities around us — AND when we also take the time to see the difficult circumstances so many in the world (billions) experience — the natural outflow from our hearts is compassion and generosity.
For those of us in the U.S. and Western Europe, “Black Friday”, “Small Business Saturday”, and “Cyber Monday” have become a new genre of days we are encouraged to ‘celebrate’ (not always from pure motives, however). But there is a new variation of these capitalistic celebrations that I think is worthy to note and participate in — “Giving Tuesday”.
Let’s not move so quickly from Thanksgiving (giving thanks for what we have) to the Christmas season (which, for many, is essentially focusing on gifts we want to buy for those around us), that we miss the opportunity to GIVE out of our abundance TO THOSE WHO HAVE NO ABILITY TO GIVE BACK TO US — children in poverty, widows, orphans, those without sufficient food or clean water, individuals and families without adequate shelter, adult men and women who desire to work and provide for themselves and their families.
I, personally, ask that you not “think about it” or “look into it”. Each of our lives are busy and often our delays in making a decision and doing something now (today), leads us into the abyss of well-meaning intentions.
You may think to yourself, “I really don’t have any extra to give”, but I would challenge each of us — partly for our own benefit, getting in touch with the inner joy of giving to others — to give up your $5 coffee for a few days, or take your lunch to work and save the $10 you would spend to eat, or not buy that new sweater (or whatever), and give the money to one of the organizations that help those less fortunate than you or I are. $5, $10, $30, $50 — the amount is less important than the act. Stop, and give to one of our global neighbors in need. This one act will help them, and you as well.
thanks so much. Dr. Paul
Tags: Giving TuesdayCategories Generosity, Gratitude