Introducing the New “Trades” Version of the MBA Inventory
Do you know someone who works in one of the professional trades?
Carpentry, Construction, Electrical, HVAC, Insulation, Landscaping, Mechanic
Painting, Plumbing, Remodeling, Roofing, Stone Mason / Bricklayer
Just like every other industry, employees and supervisors in the trades need to know the work they do is valued by others. And, similar to many other work sectors, the ability to find (and keep) qualified team members is a tremendous challenge today.
We have just completed the creation of the “Trades” version of our Motivating By Appreciation Inventory to help supervisors and employees learn how to communicate appreciation in ways that fit the cultures found in their industries and physical work settings.
Similar to our other industry-specific versions of the inventory, terms used are common to these professions — for example, “supervisor” versus “principal” and “job site” in contrast to “office” in business settings.
Additionally, we’ve researched and included appreciation action items desired by those who work in trade professions, like:
*Help clean up the jobsite at the end of the day (Act of Service)
*Come hang out with me and the rest of the team over lunch (Quality Time)
*Give our team / division a group compliment when we have met or exceeded expectations
(Words of Affirmation)
*Let me leave early after working long hours to finish a project on time (Tangible Gift)
Like all of our versions, Group Summary reports can be generated to pull together all of the team’s results so that coworkers and supervisors can learn how each of their colleagues prefers to be shown appreciation.
When we first launched our Appreciation at Work resources, we wondered how well they would be received in more physical-based careers (construction, law enforcement, manufacturing.) To our pleasant surprise, individuals in those industries love our materials and use them regularly to create positive workplace cultures. An example of this is cited in a feature article in the New York Times about our work with miners.
If you, someone in your family, or a friend are connected to a company which uses tradesmen (and women!), please share with them the news about the new Trades version of the Motivating By Appreciation Inventory. Then they will have a tool to help them keep their employees and draw new team members to work for them!
To celebrate our newest industry-specific MBAI version, we are offering 20% off of one Expanded MBAI Trades code. Use “TRADES20” at checkout.
To order codes or learn more, follow this link.
Tags: construction, Electric, Plumbing, Professional Trades, Trade careersCategories 5 Languages of Appreciation, Authenticity, MBA Inventory, Workplace Culture