My organization has taken team members through the StrengthFinders process (and the DISC, previously). I am wondering if, and how, the 5 Languages of Appreciation fit with these personality assessments?
Many, many organizations have taken their managers and team members through personality style assessments and training programs. The most common are StrengthFinders, DISC, and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. We have found that The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace and the Motivating By Appreciation Inventory are excellent tools that complement these personality assessments and training and are in no way either repetitive or competitive. That is, the 5 Languages concepts and the results from the MBA Inventory cover different concepts and actually help supervisors and colleagues better apply the information gained through the StrengthFinders, DISC and MBTI process.
Our process identifies the languages and actions that individuals best receive communication of appreciation and encouragement from others in the workplace and individuals can utilize the specific content (strengths identified, personality styles) from prior training. We have successfully (repeatedly) done our training with work groups who have done the StrengthFinders & DISC (less so the MBTI) and they have indicated the Appreciation at Work training was extremely helpful in making the information they had more practical and usable in their day to day work relationships.
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