Tag Archive: graduates

For College Graduates: The Challenges of Finding a Job

  Recently, I am working with more and more young adults who are finding it difficult to find jobs in their desired career path. And it doesn’t really matter what area they are in — business, education, computer science, marketing, graphic design. Some are recent college graduates, while others have been out of school for a while. Some of these individuals have taken short-term (e.g. one or two year) positions and now they want to “move on” in their career. And I am hearing reports back from numerous young people across the country that finding a job is harder than... Continue reading...

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May 17, 2017 8:00 am
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Understanding the Psychology of Job Seeking Will Lead You to Success

This is the time of year when the media (radio & TV shows, articles, blog posts) focus on those who are graduating and who are looking for work. The level of job search ranges from high school students looking for a summer job, college graduates searching for their first full-time position in their area of study, and individuals who have recently been laid off. And I have made a few observations of my own. First, a reminder “psychology” literally means “the study of the mind (psyche) or spirit”. That is, psychology really examines more than just cognitive thought but the whole... Continue reading...

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June 6, 2016 7:00 am
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