Some Fun Things Related to 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
I thought I would just give you a brief update on issues regarding my book, the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, with Dr. Gary Chapman, and “happenings” on our website.
The #1 question people ask is: “How are book sales?” so I’ll answer that first.
1. Book sales are going fine. They aren’t meteoric but they have increased steadily every week for four weeks (including presales prior to the official launch). We are not only selling books through retail but also we are getting a fair number of bulk book orders for businesses and organizations.
2. We’ve completed the Appreciation at Work training kit, which is a resource package of instructional DVDs , a facilitator’s guide, participants’ handouts + other resources for businesses & organizations to use with their teams to help them apply the 5 Languages concepts in day to day life.
We’ve already sold training kits to an Air Force unit, a university counseling center, a media group, a business unit in Europe, among others. (They ordered them before we even had them completed!)
3. Dr. Chapman has just completed an introductory video (3 minute) explaining the differences between the 5 Love Languages, the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, our work together including our vision for the project. Go to to see it.
4. We have a couple of fun items on our website that people have reported they are enjoying:
a) the National Workplace “Fill-in-the-Thanks” Contest. We are giving a prize every week ($25 gift certificate to treat your colleagues to ice cream + a free book) for the best positive story when people describe when they really felt appreciated at work, and the best example of a supervisor “missing the mark” –by filling in the statement: “You know you are not appreciated at work when …”
Then at the end of the contest (6-8 weeks, we haven’t decided yet), there will be a drawing for the Grand Prize of a free Appreciation at Work training kit ($300 value) and a consult with me (??? value).
b) our “How Dysfunctional is Your Workplace?” quiz. It is a 10 item quiz that will compare your workplace environment to other workplaces and you’ll get a workplace rating from functional, or maybe irritating to toxic, or possibly even “deadly”. Then some practical suggestions are given to help you out.
If you haven’t yet, please go to either (or preferably, both of these sections on the website and give us your feedback.)
5. I’ve conducted 30+ media interviews over the country the past few weeks (mostly radio, but a couple of TV and print media interviews), with more being scheduled every week. (In fact, I have one 20 minutes from now.) I’m enjoying them and learning a lot through doing them.
6. We are in discussion with some fairly large national and international organizations (media, business consultants, and non-profits) where we are discussing possible ways of working together to serve their clients.
I’m also being asked to speak at some national conventions and association meetings about our work in the coming months — which is exciting for me.
7. Finally, we are working with a company who designs and develops online training curricula to create an online “train the trainer” curriculum — for business and organizational consultants to learn how to use the materials in their consulting engagements. This training program should be done mid-fall.
Thanks for your interest and support! Call (316-681-4431) or email ( if you have any questions, or there is any way we can serve you and your organization.
Categories 5 Languages of Appreciation, 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, Appreciation, Blog, Five Love Languages