New, Updated Edition of The 5 Languages of Appreciation Released!
Our best-selling book, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, has been revised and updated. Originally published as a hardback version in 2011, it was revised and released as a paperback in 2014. We then updated the content and research in 2019.
Obviously, a lot has changed in the workplace since 2019. And new research, including our own, continues to be done in the areas of workplace culture, recognition and rewards, employee engagement – and appreciation. As a result, we worked this past year to update the book to reflect current trends and issues, and to cite the most recent research available.
We focused on two primary content areas: a) the mounting evidence of the impact on organizational functioning that occurs when team members truly feel valued and appreciated, and b) the challenges of staying connected with remote and hybrid employees.
I completely rewrote the chapter on showing appreciation to remote and hybrid employees because so much has changed, and we have learned so much through the series of research studies we did with remote employees prior to COVID-19, the impact of the pandemic and working from home, and then the issues that continue as we move into both fully remote and hybrid models of working and the variety of remote work relationships that have developed. Topics addressed include:
- building trust in remote work relationships
- creating and maintaining workplace culture
- the employer/supervisor perspective
- the employee perspective
- the key to keeping remote employees
- what neuroscience is showing about face-to-face interaction
So, even if you already have a copy of the book, you should consider getting the updated version. And to encourage you to do so, we are offering early access to our Appreciation at Work followers. You should know that the new version is not yet being sold by Amazon (or other online stores). We are offering the new version as an early release to our clientele. Click on this link to order a copy.
Given that so much emphasis is currently focused on remote and hybrid employees, don’t forget that we have created a Long-Distance version of our Expanded Motivating By Appreciation Inventory. In this version, we developed action items for each language of appreciation that are easily used within the context of long-distance work relationships (whether in a different office across town, across the country, or internationally.)
We are excited to continue to provide up-to-date resources which address current issues within the workplace, and which are based on recent and ongoing research.
Tags: appreciation research, new book releaseCategories 5 Languages of Appreciation, 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, Appreciation, Managing By Appreciation, MBA Inventory, Remote Employees, Virtual teams, Workplace Culture